Writing requires discipline, skills, clarity of thoughts, and more importantly a lot of motivation. The role of motivation in a writer’s life is indispensable because this is what drives their passion for writing and this is what gives them the energy to keep going with what they value and love the most. But there’s a phase in every writer’s life where nothing seems to work no matter how passionate they are. Lack of motivation hinders creativity and creates an undesirable situation for writers where they only struggle to get motivated and keep writing.
Motivation has to come from within. But if it doesn’t, we have to look outside and try something out rather than allowing it to affect our creativity. Different people have different ways of dealing with such a situation; for example, some prefer yoga or meditation while others look for an opportunity or collaboration. Motivation is all that’s needed at the end of the day.
Here are some tips to help you stay motivated.
Get a New Work Place for a Change
Our surrounding has a lot to with our motivation. Depending on the situation, the surrounding can affect the motivation in a positive or negative way. So if you don’t find your current environment conducive enough for writing then try changing it for a change. It will definitely help you start afresh.
Write Something You Really Enjoy
Forget about the targets for a moment and start writing about something you’ve always enjoyed or anything that gives you happiness. It can be about your childhood or favorite cartoon character or the first day in college or your favorite writer. It can be anything.
Read Something Inspiring
Reading a good article is one effective way to get motivated for writing. Start reading your favorite author’s blog or a novel. If you need ideas on how to start or what to write about, you can try some idea-generating tools for writing that are available on the internet. Go through different blogs that contain expert advice on writing.
Besides, you can also go back and read your old blog posts or articles to get some inspiration too.
Here is a great article on how to write epic content.
Exchange Talks and Ideas with Someone
Talk to someone you believe understands you properly and let them know what you feel. We all go through a phase where motivation just stops coming in. It may happen for many reasons. But until and unless we express them, they will only make things worse. Talking to somebody always helps; so many things can be solved over a conversation. It generates ideas and makes things get easier.
Take the Responsibility
Sometimes you just have to force yourself to get motivated. You have to remind yourself that you are the only one who can do this. You are the only one accountable for your responsibility. And you have to break the jinx at some point or the other. Unless you do it now it’s only going to take you down.
Conduct Self-assessments
Another way to keep motivated is by interviewing your own self. This is call self-assessment. Ask questions to yourself about your writing goals and write down the answers. Reading them later gives you a better perspective about things you want to achieve in life and helps you streamline your actions.
Be Your Own Boss and Stay Committed
Writing is all about commitment either made to you or to somebody else. In order to stay committed you have to make a schedule, set the targets, and start working on it. Become your own boss when it comes to target achievement within a deadline. You must audit your own work by following the schedule in a ruthless manner. Make sure you stay from any kind of distraction and keep writing until to reach the target no matter how difficult it seems. And finally when it’s all done it feels really great.
In the end, we have to stay motivated on our own terms and we have to embrace the discomfort that comes our way and keeps patience. This is the ultimate way and nothing should stop us from writing our hearts out.